Load old database dump after migration to v3.1

Hi all,
we would like to upgrade several ojs journals to version 3.1 and this is how we planned to procede:

  • migrate each journal to ojs3.1 on a test system

  • grant access to the journal editors to test the new system, arrange the navigation and the layout

  • after some days move the finalized journal to a new live server and copy new issues, which have been uploaded meanwhile into the live system, to the testsystem

  • load an up-to-date database dump into the new journal

I realized that I need to upgrade the whole system again after loading the up-to-date database dump into the system. Unfortunately then all the changes which the editors did beforehand (new navigation, static sites) are lost.

Is there a way to avoid an update of the whole system in order to preserve the changes made on the test system?

Thanks a lot,


You can test system with partial information and when you check all functions, workflow, website settings, plugin, locale etc. After testing, you can make full upgrade meaning all data, new database etc. on test version and after checking are there any mistakes, errors you can move it to production location.

Thanks, but the problem is, that I need to get together updates in two system:

  • testsystem: updates by the editors during testing time on navigation, static pages, e-mail templates, layout
  • live system: paralle updates on submissions, registrations usw.

We will have about four weeks parallel working.

Can you tell me where updates on navigation and static pages are stored? Is this information stored in the database? If not, I could download it before updating the whole system for the finale “going live” and then in the end update this folder?

I hope that doesn’t sound too confusing.


hello, As I said the server for testing does not need to be fully upgraded it is just for testing. You can do
upgrade of what you have now. It is important to check it with users with different roles such as author, reviewer, editor, section editor so you can test submission, review, all stages of workflow including sending mails so you can make notes if something should be customized, defined to specific needs of your editorial board.

After that, you can use test machine for full upgrade, apply all what is possibly additionally needed and check it and let it be production machine.
The last stage should not last more than a couple of hours.
But, it is good to know answers on the following questions:

  1. Do you have large archive of journals?
  2. Do you have large archive of users?
  3. Do you have a list of mails that will be used by editors?
  4. Do you have colleague(s) who will set up server, mail, web server?
  5. Do you use server infrastructure of your institution or you work with hosting company?

Please feel free to continue this conversation since, in my experience, good preparation is extremely important.

thank you very much for your recommendations, I am in the midth of preparations of our migration and good advice is very helpful.
We host our journals ourselves and my colleague already set up a test server and the new production server. So I need to organize now the testing time slot with our editors.
best regards,