That link is to our old forum and will be quite out of date. Most of the plugins are included in the software, with some additional ones listed in the Plugin Gallery (available for Administrators to discover and install plugins). A few are available from github as works in progress, e.g. Is there something in particular you’re looking for?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
What version of OJS are you using? The TinyMCE plugin should already be installed, and the QuickSubmit plugin might already be installed (depending on your version) or it might be in the Plugin Gallery. Either way, you shouldn’t need to upload it.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I am just started to play with OJS, to see if it would fit to our journal to be managed. I would like to see the list of plugins, but I cannot find such list anywhere.
Well, the main reason for the plugin list is, that as a Journal Manager, it would be necessary for me to be able to see the list of articles where the deadlines are passed, either for the reviewers, or the editor, author, lecturer, copyeditor, or anybody. My wish would be to see a list which can be ordered by several things: by the number of days passed, by the stage of the manuscript/which point we are stuck. Is some plugin that is made for something like that?
For OJS 3.x, look through both the list of installed plugins, and review the Plugin Gallery for other available plugins that can be installed. Not all plugins are represented there, but that covers most of them. There is not a comprehensive list beyond those.
The submissions lists on the dashboard have been rewritten for OJS 3.1 and will include more comprehensive information on submissions in progress. However, I think what you might be looking for is a report that can export e.g. a .csv file. There are several built into OJS, but probably not one that’ll meet all your current needs.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you for your fast reply. Unfortunately the Plugin Gallery is empty in our install, I tried to search or list without searching, but it is empty for all my attempts.
The report you mentioned, might be OK, but then I need to check the list, search for the article in the list to manage it. Is the OJS 3.1 is available already? I could not find any information on that release. Can you provide me some information or a link?
are there any details about what information will be available on the dashboard of OJS 3.1? We have to decide soon about the system we are going to use, and this information is essential for the decision. If there is any info somewhere about what’s going to be new in OJS 3.1, I would really appreciate that.
thanks for the screenshot. Now, the colors correspond to the stage (all submissions are red) or to their deadlines (green are ok, orange are about to pass, red are passed)? What kind of filters will be available?
Sorry to ask so much, but these are really important to us.
Thanks in advance,
PS: is it possible that I do not see the plugin gallery because I am not an Administrator but Journal Manager?
@NateWr can provide some details on what the formatting represents.
The Plugin Gallery should be visible to Managers from Settings > Website > Plugins, but in order to install plugins listed there, you’ll need to be a Site Administrator.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
The colors correspond to what stage the submission is in (Submission, Review, Copyediting, Production). We surface some information about overdue reviews, and other tasks (like incomplete submissions or submissions without an assigned editor). But other tasks (copyediting, production, discussions, revisions, etc) have no deadlines, so we’re not able to highlight any overdue tasks.
Because it’s not released yet, information is still pretty scattered in development places. Here are a few more screenshots which might shed some light on the lists:
thanks a lot, now it looks very convincing! Meanwhile I have written on the github as well. It is exciting to see how such a system evolves, and even more if one can have influence on it!
I would give deadline for all the tasks, where all can be set for the journals needs. Setting a large time means no deadline, if someone prefers that of course. But it is just my suggestion, the decision is yours.