Dear All,
I am tryin gto update the metadata in crossref, so I would update first the URL as crawled, do you have any idea how I can get the list of all my DOI associted with URL of galleys in .csv file ? or an SQL query to fetch those infomation?
Dear All,
I am tryin gto update the metadata in crossref, so I would update first the URL as crawled, do you have any idea how I can get the list of all my DOI associted with URL of galleys in .csv file ? or an SQL query to fetch those infomation?
Hi @Rania_Azad
Are you using OJS? What version? Also, are you using the DOI public identifier plugin to assign DOIs to the articles and/or galleys? Are you using Crossref export/registration plugin?
Why do you need to update metadata – have the URLs changed?
Dear Bozana,
I am using OJS 3.1 and I do have the plugin crossref, no problem
Previously, we submitted metadata through crossref deposit, however, we did include only DOI, URL of galley and title.
I would like now to update metadata by including authors, references, abstract, keywords,…etc having such inventory to revise if there is any mistakes.
Crossref offers API to fetch data however, I am not knowledgeable with XML so I am looking for easiest way or interface.
Hi @Rania_Azad
I am still not sure I understand everything… but…
You could eventually use the Crossref export/register plugin to update the DOIs metadata – if you deposit the DOIs anew, the DOI metadata should be updated by Crossref. However, this is only possible if you are assigning the DOIs to the articles (and not only to the galleys). Do you assign the DOIs only to the galleys?
But, you actually asked for galleys URLs:
The galleys URLs are constructed like this: http://<you-domain.ojs>/index.php//artilce/view//.
I will assume that you have only one journal and you do not use public identifiers for your articles and galleys (i.e. that your URLs contain the article and galley ID/number). Then, you could run the following SQL statement to get the galley URLs and their DOIs listed in a table, using MySQL:
SELECT CONCAT(‘http://<you-domain.ojs>/index.php//artilce/view/’, g.submission_id, ‘/’, gs.galley_id), gs.setting_value FROM
gs, submission_galleys g WHERE g.galley_id = gs.galley_id AND gs.setting_name = ‘pub-id::doi’