Hey everyone, our service provider just did a migration from a C-Panel administered server to something called interworx. It should have been, as they say, ‘transparent to the user’. Following this, our site mostly works, but the links to articles won’t resolve and I can access the submissions tab from the administration page. I’m wondering if anyone has seen this issue and what they did to resolve it. Also, would a server reinstall or upgrade be likely to fix the problem?
The error message when trying to download the article PDF is “PDF.js v1.8.188 (build: ad1023ff)
Message: stream must have data”
When I disable the PDF Viewer plugin, I just get a blank page for the articles.
We’re running OJS with MySQL (10.2.29-MariaDB ) and Apache… PHP is 5.6.40
Thanks for your help.
Hi @ACastelletto,
Check the files_dir in your config.inc.php to make sure it’s set correctly and contains all the submission files from your old server environment.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks. The directory looks set correctly, but the only file I can find a recent submission.
Thanks again, Alec. You just helped me crack the case. Something our service provider did messed up the submissions directory. Luckily, it looks like the original is still where I can get at it.
Hi Alec,
Your suggestion got us back out articles, but the submissions dashboard is inaccessible. How does OJS look for the articles dashboard? Is is the same path used to determine the links for the articles? When I try to load the page, it’s blank without even and error message. Thanks in advance for your help.
A blank white screen generally indicates a PHP error, with a “500 Internal Server” error HTTP response.
You’ll find a detailed error message in your PHP error log. You may need to ask your system administrator or service provider for where to find this. You’ll want to use (or provide to them) the date and time of when you saw (or last re-created) the blank white screen.