We have activated Scheduled Task an it is working to send reminders to reviewers, but unfortunately is generating the links to the manuscript incorrectly. I paste below and example of the message generated:
Estimado/a Dr Javier Bustamante:
Este e-mail sirve para recordarle su compromiso de la tarea de revisión del
original, “Determinación de la biomasa foliar mediante modelos de
microondas y fotografía hemisférica,” para el congreso de(l/la)
Asociación Española de Teledetección. Esperamos disponer del original
revisado para el 14-05-2015. Este e-mail se genera de forma automática
cuando la revisión está fuera de plazo. Estamos a la espera de recibir su
revisión tan pronto como pueda y la considere finalizada.
Le rogamos que nos confirme su disponibilidad para completar esta vital
tarea para el buen desarrollo de las conferencias. Esperamos recibir
noticias suyas.
Any suggestion on how the links are formed and wher to look for the error? Another problem is that the subject of the e-mail message ins not populated with the conference acronym [AET2015] and appears as []
I work with Javier_Bustamante_Di, when you comment: Try applying this change (paths relative to the lib/pkp subdirectory), do you mean replace our lib/pkp subdirectory to this github.com/pkp/pkp-lib?
The file runScheduledTasks.php require bootstrap.inc.php, and exits two files bootstrap.inc.php, one in ./tool and other in ./lib/pkp/includes/, what file it used with the code that is part of runScheduledTasks.php :
require ( dirname (__ FILE__ ) ’ /bootstrap.inc.php . ');
Can it need to use ./lib/pkp/includes/bootstrap.inc.php? And it use ./tools/bootstrap.inc.php and therefore fails.
No, the link above describes a one-line change that needs to be made to classes/core/PKPRouter.inc.php, which you can find relative to the lib/pkp subdirectory, thus lib/pkp/classes/core/PKPRouter.inc.php.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team