Hi there, a strange behavior is occurring in my OJS.
I’m trying to create a cover caption for a back issue, and in this caption I’ve put a link to another page, right below the cover. But when the back issue goes online the link goes empty. The link for the back issue is http://proxy.furb.br/ojs/index.php/rn/issue/view/319, the html code is supposed to be:
Click <a href="http://en.calameo.com/read/0049600513b77f688e6bc" target="_blank">here</a> for the ePub version.
But it goes online as:
Click <a>here</a> for the ePub version.
I’ve checked the database, and it is stored correctly, so I couldn’t find out what is really happening. I’ve also tested on another journal stored, and the same behavior occurred.