Our current install of OJS currently uses links formatted as: http://ojs.novus.no/index.php/JournalName
disable_path_info = OFF
A couple of months ago our server provider upgraded their server and broke the links. They were suddenly formatted as: Novus - Online tidsskrifter
disable_path_info = ON because the new server did not support this feature.
We are currently planning a move to OJS 3.x, but we are worried about being dependent on our server provider to NOT upgrade their server. Changing links is obviously not an option as that would break hundreds or thousands of referenced article URLs both online and in print. But our server provider might not be too keen on NOT upgrading either.
Currently our server provider moved our domain to a server that has not been upgraded. The reason we need to upgrade is that we are on 2.4.7 which requires php 5.x, and our server provider says they will have to upgrade php on all their servers in the near future and have just temporarily downgraded php from 7 to 5.
What to do? Can we upgrade to OJS 3, have our provider upgrade php and server environment and still be sure that our links will stay as http://ojs.novus.no/index.php/JournalName?