We recently updated our journal to OJS 3.3 from 2 and noticed that the summary of journals no longer have the option to insert HTML. I only wanted to justify the text, is there a way to do so?
Best regards,
José Nobre
We recently updated our journal to OJS 3.3 from 2 and noticed that the summary of journals no longer have the option to insert HTML. I only wanted to justify the text, is there a way to do so?
Best regards,
José Nobre
Hi @josenobre
Have you considered adding a CSS rule to your journal or site style sheet?
Hi @jnugent
Yes I’m sorry for leaving this topic open, I added a CSS rule this morning which resolved the problem. I couldn’t find the where to insert the stylesheet since when i clicked on dashboard it went to profile and the stylesheet is now on administration is this a bug?
If it’s not too much to ask, i tried to add a CSS rule to uniformize the cover image size but to no success, i added the stylesheet to both homepage settings and journal settings.
Thank you for your patience,
José Nobre
Hi @josenobre
What rule did you add to attempt to resize images? I’ve not tried this and I am not a CSS expert by any means.
By the way, clicking on the dashboard will take you to your profile page if you aren’t enrolled in a journal. That’s standard, I believe.
Hi @jnugent
I’m new to CSS and added a simple rule:
width: 171;
height: 250;
Best regards,
José Nobre
Hi @josenobre
If the image you’re attempting to resize is the image that appears on the issue’s table of contents, and you’re using OJS3, the .cover class is applied to the anchor tag before the image, not the image itself. What you may want instead is:
div.obj_issue_toc div.description img { .... }
or something like that. In Firefox, and probably other browsers, you can right-click on the element you want to look at and select “inspect” to view the CSS rules being applied. I just tried to do something like that and I was able to adjust images.
Hi @jnugent
I wanted to thank you for your time and patience. We decided to change the theme from ‘Open Journal Systems Demonstration Journal’ to ‘Health & Science’ which resolved the problem. I will still take the advice for future use.
I’m regretful for this kind of development and wasting your time.
In the process of changing the theme a new problem was created with the published date. I would assume it is because of the localization (the journal is portuguese) but the published date is shown in the Archive.
The code being shown is ##plugins.themes.healthSciences.currentIssuePublished##.
Do i have to edit the localization file or was the localization file being use not up to date?
José Nobre
Hi @josenobre
If you’re seeing an untranslated string like ##plugins.themes.healthSciences.currentIssuePublished## that implies that this string is not in the locale for your theme. If you are indeed using OJS 3.3, it should be there:
Can you ensure that you have the latest version of the theme?
PS: And no worries at all about asking questions. That is what the forum is for!
Hi @jnugent
Thank you for your quick response.
I should have been more specific, it’s portuguese from Portugal.
The difference is quite significant and it can’t be used.
I can guarantee that the version being used is 3.3 (we made the installation yesterday).
Best regards,
José Nobre
Ah! in that case there doesn’t seem to be a pt_PT translation for the plugin. You can create one yourself, by creating a pt_PT directory in the locales directory within the plugin, and maybe copy over the locale.po file from an other locale and just edit it for pt_PT.
If you do this, and you want to contribute back to the community, feel free to fork the plugin repository and submit a merge request. We’re also using Weblate for translations now but I don’t see the health sciences plugin on it yet.
Hi @jnugent
I have made the locale.po and revised it with my superior.
I haver never used github, should i post the file on Create locale.po?
We decided to use another theme so we wont use Health & Science but still wish to contribute.
We at the moment are using Manuscript theme and wish to have an image being to as background for the header instead of having a background color. Is there a way to do so? I have been trying but to no success.
Best regards,
José Nobre
Hi @jnugent
I’ve been able to have the header as i wanted, but i have simple question.
I wanted to add metadata to the old articles but i can’t find the ‘Article Metadata Plugin’.
Best regards,
José Nobre
Hi @josenobre
That’s not a PKP supported plugin and won’t appear in the plugin gallery. I’m not sure where you’d go to download it.
Hi @jnugent
I just made the marge request, i hope i didn’t make any mistake.
On another note, since ‘Article Metadata Plugin’ isn’t supported by PKP how can i add tags and DOI to old articles? I could do this before making the journal multilingual but i can’t no longer find the Metadata on the articles.
Another minor problem, i had to change the name of some pages but by doing so i changed the name for all languages, is there a way to make individual changes or do i have to change the localization file?
As you can see in the sidebar the ‘keywords’ (Keyword Cloud Block) is empty since the articles have no tags. The ‘Most read’ plugin is empty because the last visit was from July 2020 (a problem from the migration process i believe, a few issues are also missing, the wrong version must have been used) does the ‘Most read’ plugin have a days limit regardless of the number of days being set?
Best regards,
José Nobre
Hi @josenobre
Why don’t your articles have editable metadata now? The metadata fields on the Publication tab for submissions is empty?
If so, this sounds like you disabled the en_US locale and enabled another one. OJS didn’t remove your metadata in that case, but now it’s not accessible.
The Most Read plugin does not have a limit. It sources its data from the metrics
table in the database which will go back to the beginning of your installation.
Hi @jnugent
This is was a mistake on my part, i didn’t have the metadata active.
It is now fully functional but i still cannot add metadata to already published articles is there a way to do so or do i have to republish the articles to do so?
Best regards,
José Nobre
PS: Was the pull request for the localization of “health & science” successful?
Hi @josenobre
Yes, you need to unpublish/republish.
The health science theme is not my repository - the dev team does review these so I am sure they will let you know.
Hi @jnugent
I forgot to ask something, i had to change the name of some pages but by doing so i changed the name for all languages, is there a way to make individual changes or do i have to change the localization file?
Best regards,
José Nobre