We’ve just encountered the strange problem of about 2 dozen subscriptions mysteriously disappearing in OJS v2.4.8. The journal manager reported this about a week ago and I haven’t been able to come up with a useful explanation as to the source of the problem. Has anyone experienced anything similar? Any tips on trouble shooting the problem would be most useful.
Hello everyone! We’re still puzzling over the issue reported by my colleague a couple of weeks ago regarding missing subscriptions. Any chance someone has some insight that might help us to find a solution?
Many thanks in advance for responding to our S.O.S!
Is it possible that the Subscription Manager deleted a subscription type? If a subscription type is deleted, then all subscriptions with that type are also deleted.
To confirm, there are subscription types and subscriptions. Can you please confirm that in fact no subscription types were recently removed? (You mention subscriptions in your reply).
Thank you so much for following up, Michael. The Subscription Types have not been changed. The only recent modification is the name change of a Complimentary subscription which would not have impacted the subscriptions which disappeared. I’ve asked our contact whether all subscribers held the same subscription type but it doesn’t sound like that’s the case.