I am using OJS, in which the journal manager accounts are 3 as shown in attached picture, but i am unable to find 3rd account, I my user database there are 2 journal manager accounts.
How to check it who is using 3rd account.
Hi @kashif_nazeer,
If OJS self-reports as version, then it indicates that the upgrade from 3.3.0-x to 3.4.0-x did not complete successfully. When you attempted the upgrade, you should’ve received an error message with more details; do you have that message?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you for your message
the actual issue is not the related to upgrade but the issue is related to additional journal manager account
screeshot is showing that there are 3 acccounts whereas the export option show only 2 accounts
i am afraid of who is using 3rd account, how to settle it??
Hi @kashif_nazeer,
What is your actual version of the OJS code? (Look in dbscripts/xml/version.xml
to find that.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
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