We are using OJS 3.4.0-6, upgraded from 2.4.8 through 3.2 and 3.3.
In the past the emails from OJS used to have the journal initials in brackets in the subjects, eg. [IAS] Editor Decision
, but now I can’t find a way to enable this email identification.
It would be possible to add [journal initials] to every email template subject, but this doesn’t sound like the right way to do it.
I think it’s a necessary thing to add back to OJS to help people distinguish emails from the journal more easily, also, many editors probably use mail filters to automatically sort the emails.
Kind regards,
Hi @AlesKladnik,
Thanks for your post. I can see what you mean, and the importance it could have. This has been identified as an issue: Journal should be identified in From/Reply-To headers of outgoing emails · Issue #7104 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub, but has not, as of yet, been scheduled for inclusion in future releases. @asmecher: might you be able to speak to this, and if it would be likely to be included in future versions?
PKP Team
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Hi @AlesKladnik,
You can use the {$journalAcronym}
email template variable, but you would need to add it manually to the email template subjects.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you Alec, I’ll try to add it to some of the most common email templates to see if it resolves.
Regards, Aleš