JATS XML specifications for lens viewer

Hello together

Has someone any idea why this file here https://biblio.unibe.ch/portale/elibrary/bop/example.txt (I’ve just changed the file ending from .xml to .txt to link it here) is loading endlessly in the lens viever? It runs through PMC’s style checker without errors.

I think with my local 3.1 installation is everything ok because the XML files of this journal Antecedents of primary and secondary acute social withdrawal | Psychosomatic Medicine and General Practice for example are loaded instantly.

Does lens viewer requires further specifications than PMC. And which ones?

Thanks for help.


We don’t use Lens Viewer (the site you linked). That’s JATS Parser Plugin developed by me. It is built-in in the Old Gregg Theme. If you want to add support for the specific tag, you can open an issue on theme’s Github page.:

If you have questions about Lens Viewer (not JATS Parser Plugin), you can ask developers directly:

Thanks for the answer.
Ok, but you use jats and your jats files run in my lens viewer. Ours doesn‘t. And i don‘t see the reason. That‘s my problem.

Your document seems to be valid, so it is better to ask the developers. However, I would make additional check on tables - you have too many tbody tags there.

Let me know if you encounter problems with JATS Parser Plugin.

Thanks. A very nice theme you did. I’ve tried oldGregg out. Unfortunately I have the same issues with the jats viewer there too.

I’ve sent a request to the lens viewer developers but didn’t get any answer yet.

Can you send me your JATS XML file? I can test it with JATS Parser plugin. You can find my email in the contacts on the Old Gregg Theme demo site.

As for JATS Parser Plugin, the article renders normally. You can see the screenshot taken from my local OJS installation with Old Gregg Theme with you JATS XML article sample. Several Notes:

  1. Ideally, you should point colspan and rowspan elements inside table’s td or th element.

  2. In order reference list to be parsed, you should point the type of a reference.
    For example, you have:

     <ref id="R34">

and you need: <element-citation publication-type="journal">. JATS Parser renders 4 types of publications: journal, book, chapter and conference.


As for Lens, I don’t know. The problem is not obvious for me.