I installed today, and I build JATS document in Copyediting page.
In Production ready page, I can see figures in Texture library, however in Gallery was not.
Production Ready phase & Texture

Gallery Phase

XML Page (eLife Lens Viewer):

Hi @seonghobae,
So, to understand the problem right, you have attached the images with Texture but they have not appeared attached to galleys as dependent files, right?
In the plugin gallery there is a plugin called “Lens viewer for monographs and articles”
Please install it. If there is another lens plugin, you have to disable it.
You have to manually upload the images in the Galley files.
The name of the original file ( in your computer) should be the same, in order to be matched.
e.g. you upload jw01.png in texture and the same file should be uploaded in the galley file again.
Double uploading will be not necessary in a future release.
If you have further questions , please do not hesitate to ask.
It still doesn’t work for me. Can you give me an example with a video? Thank you very much