Hi, today while changing a minor item related to how users should be registered, suddenly navbar items Current and Archives disappeared in a black hole.
It’s not a template issue, as i’ve tried the default template, and same thing. Viewing the source code, the items are not there
<ul id="navigationPrimary" class="pkp_navigation_primary pkp_nav_list">
<li aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">
<a href="http://www.revistasam.com.ar/index.php/RAM/about">
Acerca de
<a href="http://www.revistasam.com.ar/index.php/RAM/about">
Sobre la revista
<a href="http://www.revistasam.com.ar/index.php/RAM/about/editorialTeam">
Equipo editorial
<a href="http://www.revistasam.com.ar/index.php/RAM/about/submissions">
<a href="http://www.revistasam.com.ar/index.php/RAM/about/contact">
If I type the URL for the current issue
I can navigate via the beadcrumbs but primery navigation bar is still missing items
I am ussing OJS 3.02 and I cannot upgrade to newer version due to my server’s php version
No error in logs
Everything was fine till this morning , Thanks a lot in advance if anyone can help