hi as of the time i am sending this message, i have OJS version running on my live server, i have it installed on two hosting one is on https://journal.njhst.com.ng and the other https://wnjms.com.ng/journal on the two hosted servers, when a new submission is made it notifies the administrator but other notification is not going through it usually return an error message that email cannot be sent at the moment i should try again or contact my system administration, i have contacted the hosting company and they said everything is working fine at their end, i have visited the OJS email setting i followed every instruction but still email or notification is not working still, please i need help to resolve this, also i try to install previous version but they wont install please i need help to resolve this issue
Hello @Amolowe2021,
Have you tried the troubleshooting options noted here: https://docs.pkp.sfu.ca/admin-guide/en/email#troubleshooting-email-problems
(You may also want to check your configuration as noted in this guide as well).
PKP Team
i did but its to no avail
Hi @Amolowe2021,
I’m not sure what more to suggest in this case, unless you’ve pinpointed the source of the issue (email issues may be caused by different things). One other thing I would suggest is searching for other related threads here on the forum that might relate to your issue.
As for the Mailchimp issue, OJS does have the ability to export users, and you could use that to to import users into Mailchimp: https://docs.pkp.sfu.ca/learning-ojs/en/about-ojs#export-users
but it doesn’t have any utility that allows it directly to interact with Mailchimp (so far as I’ve seen).
PKP Team
i would suggest take all settings in inc.php to the administration page. the work on the server-end is not user-friendly.
I would suggest against doing so for security reasons. There are not many cases when you need to edit config.inc.php - mostly for upgrades and for setting up the base_path of a new journal - in such cases you are working anyway on the server-end.
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