Issues with articles archiving on the PKP PN

Hello! I am contacting from Cogitatio Press, an open access publisher using OJS. We archive our articles on the PKP Preservation Network. We have recently identified some volumes and issues not archived, and we cannot identify the reason:

These are the volumes:

ISSN 2183-2439 (Media and Communication)

  • Missing all volumes from 1 to 7
  • Volume 8 is missing issues 1 and 2
  • Volume 11 is missing issue 1

ISSN 2183-2463 (Politics and Governance)

  • Missing all volumes from 1 to 8
  • Volume 9 is missing issues 1 to 3

ISSN 2183-2803 (Social Inclusion)

  • Missing all volumes 1 to 3
  • Volume 4 is missing issues 1 to 3
  • Volume 5 is missing totally
  • Volume 10 and 11 are both missing issue 1

ISSN 2183-7635 (Urban Planning)

  • Missing Volume 1
  • Volume 2 is missing issues 1 to 3
  • Volume 4 is missing issue 4
  • Volume 8 is missing issue 1

ISSN 2976-0925 (Ocean and Society)

  • Missing all Volume 1 (the only one we officially published so far)

What strikes us the most is the apparent incoherence of these missing issues and volumes, some randomly disappearing while others, published before and after, are available.

Can someone please assist with these issues? Thank you!