I was upgrading from OJS 2.4.2 to OJS 3.1.2
Code version:
Database version:
Latest version:
I downloaded version 3.1.2 from the website as zip file extracted the file in the servers’s html folder created back up of my db copied files directory to the VM and run upgrade
At First I got - Cannot load record: invalid context id. in /var/www/html/ojsNew/lib/pkp/classes/statistics/PKPMetricsDAO.inc.php
Somewhere in the forum I got solution that if we have previously removed some journals from the OJS and journals are still present in the [counter_monthly_log] table then the above mentioned error occurs. Then I searched all the tables in the database for valid journal IDs by search clause “where journal_id not in(valid id from the journal table and the id 0)” and remove all entries from the tables and run the upgrade again. Now I am getting
DB Error: Table 'ojms16.usage_stats_temporary_records' doesn't exist
ojs2: DB Error: Table 'ojms16.usage_stats_temporary_records' doesn't existand you could figure out from the database name that Its 16th time now that I am trying for the update to finish successfully. I have also got a large database of around 6GB and it takes about 10 hrs to upgrade and it is really frustating when it returns error . I just want to ask what should I do now to finish it successfully
Here is the out put:
[code: Installer Installer::migrateTimedViewsUsageStatistics]