I’m testing the update from OJS 2.8.4-1 to 3.2.1. The upgrade is successful, but I’ve encountered but I found problems in some plugins.
If I try to access the Web Feed Plugin and Text Editor Extras settings, I receive the following error:
“Failed Ajax request or invalid JSON returned.”
I add a screenshot
The php-log file shows this:
PHP Warning: Declaration of WebFeedSettingsForm::fetch($request) should be compatible with Form::fetch($request, $template = NULL, $display = false) in E:\web\revistascsic_pru_migracion\loquens321\plugins\generic\webFeed\WebFeedSettingsForm.inc.php on line 91
PHP Warning: Declaration of TextEditorExtrasSettingsForm::execute() should be compatible with Form::execute(…$functionArgs) in E:\web\revistascsic_pru_migracion\loquens321\plugins\generic\textEditorExtras\TextEditorExtrasSettingsForm.inc.php on line 80
In the Funding data plugin, I get the same error (“Failed Ajax request or invalid JSON returned.”), when I add a funder in the submission metadata form.
I add a screenshot
The php-log file shows this:
PHP Warning: Declaration of FunderForm::execute() should be compatible with Form::execute(…$functionArgs) in E:\web\revistascsic_pru_migracion\loquens321\plugins\generic\funding\controllers\grid\form\FunderForm.inc.php on line 19
Thank you very much