we are using OJS
About one month ago we activated PKP PN Plugin for two journals, but still it shows: “Network Status: The PKP PLN does not know about this journal yet.”, and list of deposits is different from the one on the PKP guides (PKP Preservation Network). Screenshot is attached:
The PLN plugin logs its activity each time it runs in a directory called scheduledTaskLogs inside of your files_dir directory. Each log file begins with the name “PKPPLNDepositorTask” and would be date/time stamped and may contain error messages. If you don’t have these files, it’s an indication that the plugin may not be running. Please have your systems administrator look and report back.
Apologies for the late reply. Can you ask your systems admin to go back in the older PLN logs and look for logs that contain entries like this:
[2021-07-28 12:44:45] [Notice] Trying transfer deposit 29 (Issue: 86) (Local Status: [Packaged], Processing Status: [Unknown], Lockss Status: [Unknown])
[2021-07-28 12:44:45] [Notice] Posting the Atom file to staging server for deposit 29 (Local Status: [Packaged], Processing Status: [Unknown], Lockss Status: [Unknown]) - (Url: [http://pkp-pln.lib.sfu.ca/api/sword/2.0/col-iri/42285753-CBE1-48FC-8B60-2FEE79268343], AtomPath: [/files/journals/3/pln/7B15BC46-8A2E-4FF7-B417-5C93FFD244E0/7B15BC46-8A2E-4FF7-B417-5C93FFD244E0.xml], Method: [PostFile])
Those entries indicate that something was packaged up and sent to the server. You’re certain that you’ve also agreed to the PLN terms on the plugin settings page?
so that last line, where it’s trying package deposit, what happened next? That can’t be the whole log - There should be a “Task Process Started” and a “Task Process Stopped” at the beginning and end. If you don’t see those, there’s a fatal error being generated some where, and that error is probably in your server error log. You can force this command to run from the command line with:
Although you may need to fudge the last run date for it in the scheduled_tasks database table. It’s set to run once a day and if you move the date back a few days it will run, otherwise it will not.
So, the first log file is not finished so that process died unexpectedly. The other two look okay but because nothing is being sent I suspect your issues are in a state where the PLN plugin is now skipping them. I’d reset the entries and try again, but this time do it from the command line.
The PLN plugin will fail if the issues cannot be exported using the NativeImportExportPlugin so you could also try that for each issue. If you get errors there, they won’t deposit.