A month ago we upgraded our journals to OJS 3.2.1-1. And all the journals are working correctly.
In the last few days we have upgraded some journals to OJS 3.2.1-2 because the improvement of the preview of an article before publication had been implemented.
In all the journals upgraded to OJS 3.2.1-2, we cannot upload the dependent images in an HTML galley if OJS asks us if the file to be uploaded is a revision of a previous image, because the name is too similar. However, if the name is very different, OJS does not ask and the image is uploaded correctly.
See capture:
In PHP-logs the message appears:
[23-Nov-2020 19:46:14 Europe/Berlin] PHP Warning: assert(): assert(is_a($this->_authorizationDecisionManager, ‘AuthorizationDecisionManager’)) failed in E:\web\revistascsic\jardinbotanico\lib\pkp\classes\handler\PKPHandler.inc.php on line 170
[23-Nov-2020 19:46:14 Europe/Berlin] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function getAuthorizationMessages() on null in \lib\pkp\classes\handler\PKPHandler.inc.php:171
Stack trace: #0 \lib\pkp\classes\core\PKPRouter.inc.php(395): PKPHandler->getLastAuthorizationMessage() #1 \lib\pkp\classes\core\PKPComponentRouter.inc.php(257): PKPRouter->_authorizeInitializeAndCallRequest(Array, Object(Request), Array) #2 \lib\pkp\classes\core\Dispatcher.inc.php(143): PKPComponentRouter->route(Object(Request)) #3 \lib\pkp\classes\core\PKPApplication.inc.php(281): Dispatcher->dispatch(Object(Request)) #4 \index.php(68): PKPApplication->execute() #5 {main}
thrown in \lib\pkp\classes\handler\PKPHandler.inc.php on line 171
However in the journals with OJS 3.2.1-1 this does not happen and dependent files are uploaded correctly and there are no messages in PHP-logs