I added archive of issues in OJS 3.01. The issue from 2007 appears as current whereas issue that is published today from 2016 appears in archive.
You can check on link: http://politicsandreligionjournal.com
I guess there should be something with custom_issue_orders table.
I tried to empty it but the issue remained the same. It looks to me like the problem I have had when there was issue with custom_sections_order.
probably some fix in code and emptying table would be helpful.
Please advise.
Take a look at the current column of the issues table for this. How did you enter the back-issue – via the workflow, via the XML import/export tools, via the QuickSubmit plugin, or something else?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
We have put issues in a regular way by creating users and adding articles and then publishing issues. No, any shortcuts, import, quick submit…
I have put in phpmyadmin that the latest issues is 1 in that table and that old issues are 0. But, I could not do that normally by ordering or changing dates in editor’s interface in OJS
Using the interface, the most recently published issue automatically becomes flagged as “current”. The easiest way to correct this is to unpublish the issue you want to be current, and re-publish it. Alternately, set the current column in the issues table manually.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team