how to fix this?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><doi_batch_diagnostic status=“completed” sp=“”>
<record_diagnostic status=“Failure” msg_id=“22”>
all doi’s under the current journal element
ISSN “28286669” has already been assigned, issn (28286669) is assigned to another title (Maritime Park Journal of Maritime Technology and Society)
<record_diagnostic status=“Failure” msg_id=“22”>
all doi’s under the current journal element
ISSN “28286669” has already been assigned, issn (28286669) is assigned to another title (Maritime Park Journal of Maritime Technology and Society)
<record_diagnostic status=“Failure” msg_id=“22”>
all doi’s under the current journal element
ISSN “28286669” has already been assigned, issn (28286669) is assigned to another title (Maritime Park Journal of Maritime Technology and Society)
<record_diagnostic status=“Failure” msg_id=“22”>
all doi’s under the current journal element
ISSN “28286669” has already been assigned, issn (28286669) is assigned to another title (Maritime Park Journal of Maritime Technology and Society)