Although the website says “This guide covers OJS version 3.2, released in February 2020, and features significant enhancements over the previous versions of the software”, I can’t find any documentation that outlines what these “significant enhancements” are?
Is there documentation somewhere? Could someone who has made the jump tell me what is new and useful with the new version?
I don’t want to upgrade the system unless it would provide “significant enhancements” since there is always that chance of something going wrong.
Advice anyone?
Hi @trobb49,
Maybe you can search the news on the PKP web. Here are my first two findings:
Regards, Primož
This document from the University of Alberta Libraries does a nice job of highlighting the changes in 3.2: UAL: New features in OJS 3.2 - Google Docs
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Thank you for the reference to the Alberta site. I wonder why such a summary doesn’t exist on the PKP site? Users would expect to see a summary of the new features right there on the download page, no?
Actually, my journal only uses the submissions process, and then switches over to a WordPress implementation for the actual publication of articles, so it turns out that 3.2 only offers one or two features that would be convenient for us. I think I’ll wait for 3.3! 
Hi @trobb49,
We put a short list of major features/changes on the Announcements area of the forum for each release, e.g. this one for 3.2.0, and each download package contains a complete set of release notes with a more comprehensive list (e.g. this set of release notes in the 3.2.1 tree).
As you’ll see from the latter list, the changes between releases can be pretty long.
One important thing you’ll gain from going to OJS 3.1.2 or newer is access to the PKP Preservation Network, for which we released a plugin recently.
We generally encourage users to keep up to date, and are putting a lot of effort into rewriting the upgrade scripts so they run quickly and with fewer hiccoughs. This work will be apparent starting with 3.3, but I will add that the upgrade scripts in 3.2.1 are running much more smoothly than with 3.2.0.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team