Is there a way to show only Archives on the homepage?

I want to show the archives of a dormant journal on its home page. IE just the list of all issues and no Current Issue.
Thank you.

Hi @gail:

Is it possible to view your journal online? What URL is it?

What theme are you using?

Hi @lopez.casique

Using default theme



Hi @gail:

What I can suggest you is to work a little bit on CSS and HTML.

With this example I sent you, I have hidden with CSS the Current Issue, then added a HTML code in About The Journal, which you can find in the OJS settings, to show a button to Archives.

I know it’s not the most elegant solution, but it can work without you having to modify the code.

This is the HTML code you can add in About The Journal, it is the green button shown in the example image:

<div class="div_archives">
    <a href="" class="archives">Archives</a>

And this is the CSS code you can use and upload in Appearance > Advanced > Journal style sheet:

.div_archives {
    text-align: center;

a.archives {
    background-color: #21aa6d;
    padding: 1rem 3rem;
    font-size: 12pt;
    color: #fff;
    text-decoration: none;
    border-radius: 5px;

section.current_issue {
    display: none;

Thank you. I appreciate that. I was hoping to show all issues on the front page so visitors could see what was there. So it is not possible to have the archives page as the landing page?

You need to do two things:

  • In Website Settings > Setup > Navigation, move all menu entries of the Primary Navigation Menu except the Archives page to the Unassigned Menu Items to the right.
  • In your Apache settings, write a Rewrite rule that redirects from the index page (= start page) to the archive page.