I tried “php tools/install.php --help” but it displays no help, it would be great if this command line tool can be run in a script with arguments, in order to do an automatic installation of OJS,
I asked this question because I am trying to use the docker image of OJS made by @lucasdiedrich , and I notice that his ojs-cli-install script doesn’t work, he uses also a curl command, a GET request :
@lucasdiedrich :
I found the cause of the error, in your curl command the adminEmail parameter is not correct (bad syntax), check here :
for example if $SERVERNAME=localhost then the email will be : admin@localhost, but the install form (OJS will refuse this kind of email address,
because install form will expect this syntax for email address : xxxx@xxxx.xx (for example admin@localhost.fr is correct)
the fix is very simple, just add “.org” in your curl command:
Thanks for that, but the severname should always be the FQDN name, i think the docs doesn’t make it clear. Thanks a lot for your help, going to see what i’m going to do with that.
It’s great when you arrive to an issue and eveything is fixed.
@asmecher no pressure at all, but the install-cli script (with params) is getting points to be up in the wish list, isn’t it?
I didn’t look into the install.php code, but looks like most of the work is done and we only need to add a few conditions to the script to make it work.
Alec, any indications if “somebody” finds time to do the job?