Is it possible for editors and/or section editors to email reviewers from the review page for a manuscript? We can’t find the little icon. Thanks!
Hi @sumpcre,
In the article review page, you can click on the mail icon next to the reviewer request date. This is used to notify the reviewer, but also can be used to contact after the first notification. You don’t need to use the email template that’s loaded when you click that icon, you can erase and write your own message.
It’s strange. Sometimes that icon is there and sometimes it isn’t. Does that have to do with the way the journal is set up, or is it related to something about the user? Can we make that icon show up all the time? Thanks for your reply. I appreciate your help.
the icon next to the ‘request’ button will disappear as soon as the reviewer has submitted their recommendation. Then, the icon in the ‘acknowledgement’ section is activated and you can use this one and customize the pre-made email form, that will pop up. Otherwise, I have not encountered a disappearing mail icon.
Best Regards,
I would like to add CC at this e-mail, but, that field is locked.
OJS 2.4.6
Also, is it possible in email for automatic reminder to reviewer be added BCC of the editor/section editor assigned to that paper
Aleksandar Pavlović
technical secretary of NSJOM
Hi @nsjom,
The CC field is locked on reviewer request emails when one-click URLs are enabled to prevent those access URLs from being sent to other users. This is done intentionally and changing that behavior will require a code modification.
Adding more BCCs to automated emails will also require a code modification, though it’s fairly simple – it’ll be a one-line addition e.g. something like: $mail->addBcc('');
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you for your answer.
Since mail has to go to be assigned editor, and after looking at code, it does not look so simple to instead of fixed e-mail put his e-mail.
I do not know php and definitely not know structure of data, so, I could find where is stored assigned editor, but it looks to me that maybe the following line would completely solve id
Thank you
Sorry for double topics
Hi @nsjom,
You should be able to use the $mail->ccAssignedEditors($articleId)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
My IT team managed to change that.It works