iParadigms settings in OJS

One of the new features added to CrossRef plugin is the iParadigms functionality. How can I find where to configure or do the settings? I can not find anything about iParadigms in ojs-2.4.7-0


Hi @obi,

The iParadigms data is added to the existing CrossRef export. If you’re submitting to CrossRef using that plugin, then CrossRef gets access to the iParadigms information. The specific code changes are here:

Perhaps @jmacgreg can comment on what CrossRef does with that – I’m not specifically familiar with it.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi all,

I’m not sure what CrossRef does with it - I think you have to enabled or add their plagiarism-checking option via their services. Nothing has to be done in OJS to “enable” this, it’s just there.
