Dear Sir,
After completing the reviewing and editorial process, the option (e-mail) for intimating the Editor by the Section Editor is not getting / displaying. Please inform whether the Journal Manager has to do any settings for this?
Thanking you
I am not sure about what option are you talking about… Can you be more specific where are you looking at?
If you have more than one editor assigned to the submission, you can always contact the editors at the top of the editorial pages, clicking on the mail icon next to the editor’s name.
Dear sir,
Sorry for the inconvenince. I mean intimating the Editor regarding the completion of the assigned task of editing process with respect to a manuscript by the Section Editor.
Thanking you
Shijith Kumar
As an editor, the user will receive notification about the editorial process, like comments, file submission, etc. You can check which ones will be automatically sent in the notifications page, that can be accessed under the notifications side bar block (that can be on the left or on the right, depending on what you configured).
As far as I know, there is no formal place where a section editor can tell to the editor that his work is done. But the editor can check all submissions in his list, and it gives a quick overview on how the assigned submissions are doing.