I want to activate the PKP PLN plugin in the OJS system of our journal but I am unable to find it in the generic plugin library. The version of OJS is (July 1, 2017 - 08:49 PM).
Can anyone pleas guide that how to add this plugin manually by installing it in our current OJS.
Dear Alec, greetings.
Thank you for the updates. I am so sorry to hear this news because we need to submit our journal to DOAJ but it requires that the journal should be registered with LOCKSS. Dr Reich mentioned me that the PKP PLN plugin can resolve the issue.
Can you please help me ascertain about how much time will it take to release it. Kindly facilitate.
Many thanks and regards. Sulaman
Hi @sulaman, I do not think that having LOCKSS is a requirement for DOAJ. They just “strongly recommend” that you have a solution for long term archiving. See https://doaj.org/publishers#pubmem where the basic requirements are marked with red.
Hi ajnygy, thank you for the kind guidance. LOCKSS is actually a requirement for the DOAJ Seal for Open Access Journals as mentioned in their online application form.
Also LOCKSS is a free facility along with better visibility and preservation of the online content.
I request and hope that forum may please facilitate the release of the plugin for OJS 3.x.
Profound regards. Sulaman
Ok, but applying to DOAJ and getting the seal status are two different things. You can get in to DOAJ even if you do not meet the requirements for the seal. Of course the things they require for the seal are things that every journal should aim to do, no question there. But you could apply to DOAJ now and fil the requirements for the seal later.
Yes, surely I will apply all second best alternatives.
Yet I would be grateful if my request for early release of PKP PLN plugin be considered please. This will be a great facilitation and technical support indeed for OJS 3.x users. @asmecher@ajnyga
The plugin is currently undergoing testing – i.e. the coding is substantively complete – and it’ll be released as soon as it’s ready. I don’t currently have a clear date, but it shouldn’t be long.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Dear @asmecher, thank you for the kind updates. I and many colleagues are only looking forward to an expected duration for the release of PKP PLN. Your kind guidance would help many to plan accordingly.
Hi @asmecher, greetings. I would be grateful if you can share an update about release of PKP PN plug in for OJS 3.0.2. This link https://pkp.sfu.ca/pkp-lockss/#joining mentions that any OJS version 2.4.8 or higher has the capacity to integrate its journals content with LOCKSS for digital preservation.
Looking forward to hear positive from you. Best regards. Sulaman
We’ve completed our first-phase testing on the OJS 3 plugin and are about to move on to testing it on some locally hosted OJS instances before releasing it to the general community. We hope to have that second-phase testing done by end of March at the latest. Once that is complete, we will deploy the PN plugin via the OJS 3 Plugin Gallery.
Hi Mark @mjordan, thank you indeed for the kind and specific updates. I hope the PKP users will enjoy the facilitation by OJS team by end of March. Wishing all those involved the best.