Hi, I have been installing the OJS 2.4.6 several times but everytime it showed me blank page. I checked the log error file and here is the info:
07-May-2015 20:13:52 America/Denver] PHP Fatal error: Class ‘DOIExportPlugin’ not found in /home6/scidirec/public_html/biomaterialtechnology/plugins/importexport/datacite/DataciteExportPlugin.inc.php on line 28
Can someone help?
Thanks a lot!
Hi @lincoln,
What is in plugins/importexport/datacite/classes/DOIExportPlugin.inc.php?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
The plugins/importexport/datacite/classes/DOIExportPlugin.inc.php is extracted from the installation file that I downloaded from https://pkp.sfu.ca/ojs/ojs_download/ and uploaded to my server. Don’t understand why it has problem with installation.
Hi @lincoln,
Have you verified that it contains PHP code? Internally we use symbolic links for this file, but the archive should contain the PHP instead. I’m just wondering if the wrong thing has somehow been placed there.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
Yes. it contains PHP code.
Actually I just extracted installation file and uploaded them to the server, and tried to install the OJS system. Didn’t change any file.
should I delete all the files and re-upload the installation package?
Hi @lincoln,
Does the timestamp in the log file correspond to the blank page you’re receiving? If you are no longer getting the same error message, then perhaps something else is happening now.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Yes. I have tried to install the system several times and every time it wrote a line of error log in the file with the installation time.
Hi @lincoln,
Is there anything else in the log file?
I’m confused because plugins/importexport/datacite/DataciteExportPlugin.inc.php includes, right near the top…
if (!class_exists('DOIExportPlugin')) { // Bug #7848
This should load the DOIExportPlugin class from plugins/importexport/datacite/classes/DOIExportPlugin.inc.php, but as you can see from the error message, that’s not happening. Something appears to be unusual on your server, but without a more useful error message, I’m not sure what to suggest.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you Alec @asmecher.
I have deleted all the uploaded files and re-extracted a new archive, followed all the requirements, tried to install it, but still have the same error message. I tried using IE instead of Chrome, and here is what I got
The website cannot display the page
HTTP 500
Most likely causes:
•The website is under maintenance.
•The website has a programming error.
More information More information
This error (HTTP 500 Internal Server Error) means that the website you are visiting had a server problem which prevented the webpage from displaying.
For more information about HTTP errors, see Help.
What other info should I look at?
I have installed this OJS in a subdomain folder (it is an add-on website under my main domain). Is it about the https? my website currently using http.
also, I have installed another older version OJS in different folder under the main doamin (also another add-on website). It was installed successfully before. Is it because of this?
Thank you for your kind help!
Hi @lincoln,
A 500 error usually means something more informative will appear in the server’s error log. Is there anything different than the message you already quoted?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
problem solved.
I deleted all the files in the folder and upload the .tar file to server, extracted it on the server instead of uploading the unzip installation files package. And it worked!
I don’t know why, but at least I solved it. 
Thanks a lot Alex. 
I got the same problem. It was related to permissions. You have to use CHMOD and problem solved.
I’m having a similar problem while trying to upgrade from to 2.4.6.
What exactly did you change?
…/plugins/importexport/datacite/DataciteExportPlugin.inc.php is 644 for me right now. Should it be 755? Or is it another file that needs to have its permissions changed? All of my folders are 755, but files are 644.
I manually made sure the config.inc.php file was up-to-date, so that’s not the problem.
I’ll sort of answer my own question.
Still not sure about CHMOD, but I had initially downloaded and unpacked OJS 2.4.6 to my computer, made changes to files, zipped it up, and then uploaded it to my server. Do not do that! Just unpack the original download directly onto your server and then change files.
The error message is gone. I have to modify my CSS though, but that’s another topic.