OJS 3.0.2
We are moving our OJS to a new server (siteground). We moved across all of the files and the database records. The database is accessed ok. Now i get the single error log message
PHP Recoverable fatal error: ini_set(): Cannot set ‘user’ save handler by ini_set() or session_module_name() in /home/customer/www/alm-online.net/public_html/journal/lib/pkp/classes/session/SessionManager.inc.php on line 36
siteground uses MySQL v 5.7 and PHP 7.3. the Apache web server runs PHP as a CGI module in SuEXEC - PHP runs as a CLI binary
in config.inc.php i’ve set the driver to mysqli
I’ve looked for similar reports in the documentation and the community forum. These suggest that the problem is to do with directory/file permissions.
I’m assuming that SuEXEC means that the code is executed as my account (i.e. like CGI), and so permissions need to be writable by the owner of the folder or file. Folders i’ve looked at have permission 755, and non executable files 655.
i’m reading the php documentation to try to understand what a save.handler set to ‘user’ means - i notice it says that usually this is set to ‘files’ ?
any help would be really welcome. many thanks in advance. ruth