I seem to have a problem with the information block plugin.
Although it is checked in the plugins page, i do not see it in the “appearence section”.
Any ideas what can I do?
I seem to have a problem with the information block plugin.
Although it is checked in the plugins page, i do not see it in the “appearence section”.
Any ideas what can I do?
Hi @Wojciech_Francuzik ,
if you enabled the information block, it is displayed in the sidebar see
The content of the information Block can be edited via
Website Settings - > Information (not Appearance) see
Hope this helps
Claudia Jürgen
I did everything as above.
The problem was that it was still not showing up.
Then, I unchecked the active plugin and it did show up…
I do not know why but the same thing is when I unchecked the language block plugin.
so now the information block plugin is displayed on the page but via website administration → plugins it seems to be disabled as it is not checked?
That’s odd, did you clear the caches and crosscheck what’s in the database?
In the table “plugin_settings” you can see whether a plugin is enabled (column setting_name) for a given journal/site (column context_id).
Hope this helps
Claudia Jürgen
Hi all,
This is also reported in a Github issue.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I have the same issue in 3.0.1. Information block is not displaying although it is enabled as a plugin. The github issue mentioned above is still open. I guess it is still not resolved. Is that right?
It is not appearing in the sidebar blocks in Appearance also.
Hi @salehig,
What do you get for the following MySQL query?
select * from versions where product like '%information%';
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
mysql> select * from versions where product like '%information%';
| major | minor | revision | build | date_installed | current | product_type | product | product_class_name | lazy_load | sitewide |
| 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2013-12-04 22:34:30 | 1 | plugins.blocks | information | InformationBlockPlugin | 1 | 0 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Hi @salehig,
Hmm, that looks fine to me. Before I try to figure this out further, are you able to upgrade to OJS 3.0.1?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
I checked the result of that quey both before and after the upgrade was exactly the same. Information block is enabled in the settings but neither listed in the sidebar list, nor displayed in the frontend.
Hi @salehig,
Rather than debug this for OJS 3.0.0 (which is now two releases old), I’ll see if I can figure out what’s happening with your upgrade and hopefully that will resolve this as well.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team