Individual bounce addresses in multijournal installation not compatible with DMARC options [OJS3.1.2-4]?

Hi there,

we have a multi-journal installation of OJS 3.1.2-4 and want individual bounce addresses for each journal. However, we also want to use DMARC compliant from headers since we have had trouble in the past. Emails from editors from outside of our domain have been rejected by the recipient.
BUT when I follow the DMARC setting requirements as described in the and set it like this

; Allow envelope sender to be specified
; (may not be possible with some server configurations)
allow_envelope_sender = on

; Default envelope sender to use if none is specified elsewhere
default_envelope_sender =

; Force the default envelope sender (if present)
; This is useful if setting up a site-wide noreply address
; The reply-to field will be set with the reply-to or from address.
force_default_envelope_sender = on

; Force a DMARC compliant from header (RFC5322.From)
; If any of your users have email addresses in domains not under your control
; you may need to set this to be compliant with DMARC policies published by
; those 3rd party domains.
; Setting this will move the users address into the reply-to field and the
; from field wil be rewritten with the default_envelope_sender.
; To use this you must set force_default_enveloper_sender = On and
; default_envelope_sender must be set to a valid address in a domain you own.
force_dmarc_compliant_from = on

; The display name to use with a DMARC compliant from header
; By default the DMARC compliant from will have an empty name but this can
; be changed by adding a text here.
; You can use ‘%n’ to insert the users name from the original from header
; and ‘%s’ to insert the localized sitename.
dmarc_compliant_from_displayname = ‘%n via %s’

the activated force_envelope_sender option deactivated the individual bounce address fields in the journal backend. When I set force_envelope_sender=off, I do not get the DMARC compliant header.

Actually, this has been described before here in the forum by @orcalator but I do not see the suggestion from @jnugent working.

What do I do to get both? The possible individual bounce addresses would all be inside our domain.

Yes, the current options only support a single DMARC compliant address within the for the whole installation.

The other thread describes the “bounce address” per journal defined from OJS 2.x, but not particularly effectively used in OJS 3.x. My opinion of the best way forward is to scrap all of the options and to use this bounce address instead. This would then also need to be exposed at the Site level.

We’re not quite there yet.

Is this still an issue for multi journal installation? We are trying to figure out if this is the reason why, on our multi journal installation running, bounce address have stopped working. We have one journal that reported that they used to get bounce emails sent to the Journal manager’s email but do not get them now. I noticed that we have 3 more journals since then that have also added bounce email addresses. I wonder now if this could be the issue.

I believe it is still accurate for 3.3.0-14 that almost all of the effective mailing logic is embedded in

That said, if has allow_envelope_sender as On, and if force_default_envelope_sender is Off, and if the journal has setup an “Email Bounce Address”, then this address will be used as the SMTP “envelope sender”. The address entered must comply with DMARC rules to be effective; more and more recipients are enforcing DMARC compliance.

So ours is set up as:
; Allow envelope sender to be specified
; (may not be possible with some server configurations)
allow_envelope_sender = On

; Force the default envelope sender (if present)
; This is useful if setting up a site-wide no-reply address
; The reply-to field will be set with the reply-to or from address.
force_default_envelope_sender = On
force_dmarc_compliant_from = On

So are you saying that the force_default_envelope_sender = Off would allow the bounce email to work? What would happen to our default _envelope_sender = no-reply@journals. email address?

From a relatively shallow reading of the code, I think that setting force_default_envelope_sender to “Off” would default to whatever your Journal Managers have entered in the email setup (Workflow → Emails → Bounce Address). If nothing is present in the Bounce Address, then default_envelope_sender will be used instead.

Whatever address is used as the envelope sender (whether from or whether entered by the journal manager in the setup) must be DMARC compliant.

Thanks for your help. :smiley:

We also have a similar problem in the multijournal installation my library is using for its hosting services (we are using OJS 3.4). Journals received emails such as :

First example of bouncing email received
Diagnostic information for administrators:
Generating server: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.OUTLOOK.COM [THIS IS THE SERVER ADRESS OF THE RECEIVER]
Remote server returned ‘554 5.4.0 < #5.4.300 smtp;550 5.4.300 Message expired → 421 4.4.2 Connection dropped due to SocketError>’

Second example
Diagnostic information for administrators:
xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxx [EMAIL ADRESS OF THE RECEIVER]
Remote server returned ‘554 5.0.0 <[] #5.0.0 smtp; 5.1.0 - Unknown address error 550-‘5.4.1 Recipient address rejected: Access denied. AS(201806281) [ZR0CHE01FT008.XXXXXXXXé, 2024-02-20T23:27:36.808Z]’ (delivery attempts: 0)>’

Are those problems related to the one described in this thread? We tried to use the DMARC config but the unique generic library email address that need to be used was a problem (we started receiving to this address email from authors or reviewers), so we reversed to the default OJS config.

My understanding is that the DMARC config is meant to solve those unauthorized problems with emails.

Thank you very much.
Kind regards,

No, these examples are not DMARC failures. The first is a network failure; the second is an unknown recipient.

You are unlikely to see a bounceback from a DMARC failure; if a spammer can’t prove the legitimacy of an email to the recipient domain, and the recipient is set to reject rather than quarantine the message, it is actually in the recipient’s interest to quietly discard it rather than tell a spammer that their messages aren’t getting through.

We have set DMARC with a no-reply address where does the no-reply email go? We have everything set up the way described above but Bounce emails are not working. Anything else we can check? Thanks.

Hi, it looks like we are in a dead end with this situation. After trying different set up, it appears taht when using DMARC configuration in a multijournal installation, bounce adresses (invalid ; automatic reply) are systematicaly sent to the email address define in the default_envelope_sender parameter, no matter if the journal has a bounce address specified or not (OJS 3.4 : Settings, Worflow, Emails, Advanced, Bounce Address), no matter if the value of the force_default_envelope_sender is set to on or off.

A way to solve this problem may be to add a rule when DMARC is configured: default is to use the bounce email address define at the journal level, if no address is provided at the journal level then the default_envelope_sender is used.