In ojs 3.0.2 how can I attach a file when sending an email to a user?

in ojs 3.0.2 how can I attach a file when sending an email to a user?

Do you send e-mail to user via Users/select user/Send mail or via review process?

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I do it, there is no option to attach

Sending mail from the part of User/List of users serves only for contacting users with ordinary mails. But, in review process there should be options to attach file that users can see.
Please post screenshot of interface in which you want to send attach.

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I really want to do it by sending an ordinary mail

You should use the OJS capabilities in order to do all your workflow tasks. Attachments can be attached in interface during review, copyediting and production process. These stages of workflow are developed in order to satisfy communication between author, reviewer, editors by sending to each other proper attachments within each stage.
There are technical and possibly legal justifications why is that needed to do in those stages since they are recorded. Sending review or other attachments out of workflow are as far as I see not possible neither in OJS 3.02 nor in OJS 3.1.0-1.


I get it about using the workflow. However, for my journal, if an editor or journal manager sends an email at the Review stage of the workflow, the possibility of including a file as an attachment doesn’t exist. My editors wish it did, so that they could include files uploaded by other reviewers.

Hi @pmfarrell,

Would this be part of the review, or a post-review discussion? For the review, multiple files can be uploaded to the submission and each review assignment can include a subset of them; for a post-review discussion, you can add arbitrary files in the discussion too.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thanks, @asmecher,

A decision has been made by the editors. They want to share the decision with the reviewers, along with the reviews of other reviewers, which sometimes include files. They have been using the discussion tool to share reviews and files with authors and amongst themselves (i.e., the editors). When I click on the Add Discussion button, the only participants I see are Author, Journal Editor, and Associate Editor, the latter being our name for section editor. Reviewers are not counted as Participants. See attached screenshot. Under Roles, Review is checked for the role of Reviewer.