I’m using OJS 3.1 and trying to import articles and issues published on a different platform, which I’ve harvested through their OAI-PMH. I’m trying to import the XML document but getting error message : “Element ‘{http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/}OAI-PMH’: No matching global declaration available for the validation root.”
I used the Native XML plugin to do this – which is what I assume is causing the problem.
Any other recommendations? How else can I do this?
You would need to convert the XML you get from OAI-PMH to the OJS native XML format. One way of doing it is XSL, but that is not that easy.
We may have a situation in the near future where several journals that have archives in dSpace are going to join our OJS service and will then probably do something to automate the OAI-PMH to OJS native XML workflow, but that is most likely next year.
We are migrating journals from bepress. I know there is a plugin to do this that’s in the works, but we’re trying to explore alternative ways of doing so in the meantime. Any update on the plugin timeline?