The university where I work is in the process of migrating from OJS 2.4.8 to OJS 3.1.x, but we are running into some problems. Our IT guy has been trying to export whole journal numbers from the OJS 2.4.8 page using the Journal Management > Import/Export Data menu and the first option in the list which says Articles & Issues XML Plugin: Import and export articles and issues. When he exports an issue that way and then goes to import it in the 3.1.x using the Tools > Import/Export tab and then the first option in the list which says Native XML Plugin, it gives an error which says “The file could not be uploaded or revised.”
I am attaching screenshots of the old 2.4.8 page, the new 3.1.x page, and the error message. Are we using the wrong import tool in 3.1.x? What is the way to import a whole issue?
The XML format isn’t intended as an archival format, i.e. it evolves between releases, and you won’t be able to upload OJS 2.4.8 XML to e.g. OJS 3.1.2.
Is there a reason you’re avoiding the upgrade process and trying to export/import your old content instead?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks for the quick reply. Based on your answer, it seems like maybe we are going about things the wrong way. It’s worth mentioning that I am in a Spanish-speaking country and our IT guy is trying the XML export and import method since it is what seemed fitting to him. I should mention that in our case the transition from 2.4.8 to 3.1.x also involves a change of hardware, so we can’t just update everything “in place”, we need to move it. Would you be so kind as to link to the reference material for the upgrade process that you mentioned? And if by any chance there is material available for it in Spanish, that would be even better.
Unfortunately we don’t have any upgrade documentation that I’m aware of in Spanish (@mtub and @marc might be able to correct me). You can find the English-language documentation in docs/ in the new download package. To upgrade and move machines at the same time shouldn’t be a problem – just move the old codebase etc. to the new machine as if you were changing servers, and then run the upgrade process on the new machine.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
@Michael_White, if your tech guy feels more comfortable writing in Spanish he can use it in this forum. I mean, it’s not the best practice here (because then, only a few could answer), but some of us speak Spanish.
Finally, before every migration attempt, first step is always a BACKUP.