Import Texture files to OJS


I am using OJS 3.1.1-4 and struggle with including JATS XML from Texture. I managed to create the manuscript.xml and manifest.xml. But how can I now upload these into OJS that they are finally visualized with the embedGalley Plugin?

Hope for some input! Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

@asmecher DId you not develop a Texture plugin for OJS? Do you have an answer?

Hi @GrazingScientist,

Yes, I maintain the Texture plugin in OJS. But I haven’t worked with the embedGalley plugin – @ajnyga maintains that one.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

you just have to upload the JATS XML article as an galley file to the article and publish the article. Not sure though what you mean with having manuscript.xml and manifest.xml. What is the latter file?

The plugin simply checks if there are XML galley available and if there are, it tries to visualize it as HTML under the abstract.

Mh! The lensGalley plugin can read the manuscript.xml. That’s interesting! Is it possible to display the lensGalley output below the article metadata on the article page?

Hi @GrazingScientist,

You could do that in a theme, I think, but the stock theme and the themes I’m aware of present the XML in its own page (using the Lens Galley plugin).

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Okay! I will try this! Thanks! :slight_smile: