Good day i have a concern regarding this area every time i import an article or data why is it the default article name will be untitled? is there any process to change the untitled name to its original name…please help me, im using ojs2.4.8…tnx…
Can you provide some screenshots of the steps you take and what you see?
I noted this too while getting to know OJS.
The Quick Submit Plugin sets the file type label which is displayed here afaikt (not knowing PHP):
In the article_galleys the quick submitted articles got the label: Untitled
In the table temporary_files there is:
file_name: xxxx.tmp
file_type: ‘’
original_file_name: testArticle.pdf
Good catch.
To change this label, as Editor, open the Article, then select “Editing”. Under the “Layout” section, select the “Edit” action next to the Galley that you uploaded. This will allow you to change the “Label”.