I’ve uploaded the folder to the appropriate directory in plugins/themes and enabled it as per usual, but I am not able to set any options for it.
Has anyone else tried it? I don’t have access to the PHP log but can get it if needed. I don’t have this problem with any other theme (e.g, the Bootstrap3 manuscript child theme)
There is already a new release: 1.0.1. I’ve tested it with OJS 3.1.1-4 and it worked fine. PKP demo site also uses these versions.
Can you describe the problem that you’ve encountered with?
I just don’t have any ability to adjust any theme specific settings when the theme plugin is enabled and selected as the theme for the given journal. Multiple browsers, cleared the cache both on my end and the OJS end.
I’ve tried this with: Immersion, Old Gregg, Classic, and Health Sciences. I just don’t get it and I can’t find anything on the server that would suggest an issue.
These themes have different set of additional settings. Regarding Immersion theme, when activated and chosen, do you see in the Settings->Website->Appearance menu item labeled as Show section description; in the Settings->Website->Announcements - Announcements section colour on the journal’s home page and in the Issues->Back/Future issues-> any issue -> Edit -> Issue Data tab - Options for issue’s sections?
Ah, okay! I’m sorry @Vitaliy, when I was looking around I kept skipping over the option in announcements and Issue Data.
Though, I’m not sure if there’s a recommended resolution on the images that should be used? The screenshots below show how this particular instance renders in both cases.