Image slider possible in custom blocks?

So i have been trying to add a sliding image on the side block with basic html and css but it wont display. any suggestion?

Thanks Guys.

Hi @thatHman, it’s possible to add custom html using the tinyMCE editor plugin to custom blocks. If the content isn’t displaying, check the allowed_html option found at Security Settings section in your file.

Make sure your add the list of tags you want to use to the list else it is always stripped off.
Hope it helps


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Thank you Emmanuel, i know its possible to add custom html using the tinyMCE editor plugin. I’ll try the option.

What do you mean by this though?


Okay, i understand now… thanks. let me add the codes to it.

Thanks @EPrempeh I’m grateful for your help.

Glad I’m of help to you…


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hi @EPrempeh i see you know how to add a carousel or image slider I did it with boostrap but it doesnt fit to the sidebar i put it i will show you by the image attached I want to fit the siderbar i have I dont know how to do it do you have any idea or another way to do it please help me thanks!

hi @thatHman could you please help me with it how you add a sliding image side block to the sidebar I tried to do it with boostrap but i have problems with rendering