Hi all
The journal I am getting ready to launch will feature some image heavy articles, things like histopathology images, graphs etc. I’d like to be able to have readers click on an image in the html galley and have that image open a new page that shows a larger version of the image. I have tried to do this by embedding a link in the html of the paper’s galley that points to a new page (i.e. → figure1.html).
My question is how do I then add the additional html pages and images via OJS. When I upload the html OJS rewrites the link to “…/article/view/2/figure1.html”. Which seems to make sense. But I can’t work out the next step in terms of uploading the html files figure1.html, figure2.html etc etc. Clicking the images in the paper loads a correct looking URL, but I end up back at the “abstract” view of the paper.
I have looked at uploading them as supplemental files, but that does not seem to be correct. It certainly does not help.
When I uploaded the html for the galley I also was given an area to upload images, and OJS renamed and displayed them correctly.
Am I missing something simple here, or is this more involved?
(BTW: the install and the demonstration paper I am working on are visible here
Hi @Craig_Ruaux,
You’re on the right track with supplementary files, I think. If you upload large versions of your images there, you can refer to them using specially-crafted URLs in your HTML galley:
ojs://suppfile/[article ID]/[supplementary file ID]
You can either code your HTML to get the browser to scale down that image for embedding in your HTML (quicker to do but not very network-efficient) or you can upload a thumbnail as an HTML image, linking to the full-sized image.
I hope that helps!
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you for the reply. Just to make sure I have this straight, in the html for the page that is uploaded I have image link as
<*img src “figures/Figure1.jpg”>
(Asterisk is there to escape the tag in this posting, of course).
If I am wanting to make a link to a page that has been uploaded as a supplemental file, the appropriate html in the galley I upload would be
<*a href=“supp/figure1.html”>
And then OJS will rewrite the urls to the correct path on display.
Is that correct?
Thanks again.
Never mind the above question, I have been experimenting and think I have it straight now.
I don’t know if image integration/display is something that is getting a lot of attention in the plans for 3.0, but I would say that achieving what I was hoping to achieve has several “friction points” in the work flow that I seem to need.