Image cannot be displayed OJS 2.3

Dear All,

I am stuck with a strange problem. image uploaded as supplementary files with articles cant be opened in browser. In cpanel the images exist and can be opened. Even the path shown on the link is available in cpanel but still it wouldnt open in browser.

Due to some unavoidable reasons journal cant be updated at the moment. Screen shot attached. php version 5.3 is in use as it would not work with any upgraded versions of php. It was working perfectly a week or two age.

Please helpsupp%20jpg%20error

Hi @sohailkmu,

That’s a very, very old version of both OJS and PHP, so I’d strongly recommend getting your set-up modernized rather than investing time in maintenance – but I’d suggest starting by checking your PHP error log for details.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thanks alot for your response. Yes, I have tried my level best to induce the managing editor to convert it to latest ojs 3 but he is not willing at the moment.

I am attaching error log screen shot.


Hi @sohailkmu,

There’s nothing useful there, unfortunately; how about further back in the log file?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team