anybody can help me to insert a youtube video in OJS 3.2.1 using iframe or another option please
There are a couple of options for uploading videos as Galley files. You can publish an HTML Galley with the video embedded in the HTML. To do this you will need to upload the video as a Dependent file and then embed the video in the HTML using the < video > element. There are instructions on how to do this here: Chapter 15: Production and Publication
Since the video is already in YouTube, another option is to create a Video Galley file, and indicate in the upload that the file is located at a separate website. Then you simply include the link to the video in YouTube. Instructions for that option are here: Chapter 15: Production and Publication
I hope this helps!
Dear @Carlos_Alberto_Rivad
Have a look at this one [OJS 3.1.2-4] Display/filter according to genre on article_details
Videos are uploaded as supplementary files, the player needs to be initialised by inserting the settings via customHeaderPlugin
But you could as well load streams from other sources.