Hello, I’m wondering if it’s possible to display an icon with, for ex. a green or unlocked simble, for those journals in the list on which a reader has authorized access.
Actually, if I choose to show “restricted access icons” they are shown also to readers which IP was activated and this can disorientate.
Hi @richardk,
You would need to modify a few templates to accomplish this – plugins/blocks/user/block.tpl
for the sidebar block you’ve identified, and templates/issue/issue.tpl
for the issue’s table of contents.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hello Alec,
sorry that I’m not enough expert in software issues, this modifications needs to
be done on our server and will allow authorized institutional users to see an
unlocked icon or some other simbol for their subscribed periodicals or how can
OJS display from our list of journals the ones that are unlocked for the IP user
who is connected?
To be more precise, would it be possible to display here some icon or simble
that tells the authorized IP user who is connected which journals from this list
are unlocked
or maybe, once the authorized IP user clicks on the “View Journal” of an
unlocked title it will display a an unlocked simble instead of these actual
Thank you very very much and best regards,
Hi @richardk,
Yes, this can be done with a fairly simple modification to the software on your server, but you’ll need someone who knows how to code in order to do it.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hello Alec,
I contacted my tecnical staff and they don’t understand unfortunately what modifications they’ll need to do in these templates in order to show to authorized users different icons. Could you please help us with this?
thank you very much and best regards,
Hi @richardk,
Unfortunately I can’t guide you through how to modify the system in detail, but if you get stuck on a particular point, I may be able to help.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi Alec,
would it be possible to visit one OJS example where unlocked icons are used?
Can this unlocked icons be displayed beside the journal on the list of jourmals
or beside the articles of a selected journal?
Thanks and best regards,
Hi @richardk,
I’m not aware of specific examples of what you describe, though they may be out there.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hello Alec,
I’m not sure if I understood well, if there might be no ojs pages like this how
do you know that modifying certain templates would give as result an icon
showing authorized access? Did you and/or your colleagues foresee in OJS such
kind of setting?
If yes, would it be possible to view which icon or simble would be shown once
templates are correctly modified?
Thank you very much and best regards,
Hi @richardk,
Currently the access icons show on the article page and on the listing of the table of contents. I’m not aware of requests for this information to be presented in other places, or journals that have done that, but since we’re open-source software our users are free to customize the software however they like (and many do). It’s entirely possible that someone has made a chance along the lines of what you describe, but we’re not aware of it.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team