And now everytime i tried to login in the admin site this appears
@asmecher can you give me a hand here?
Hi @miguel.obando,
Could you temporarily turn off enable_minified
and re-create the error message? It’ll be easier to determine where in the code the problem is occurring if the code isn’t minified.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hello @asmecher it was already in off, do you want me to send you a capture more detailed? how can i do it?
Hi @miguel.obando,
Whoops, you’re right, the minification setting only affects part of our JS assets, not the one you’re looking at. The challenge is that the JS build is all one line of code, and the error message only specifies line 1, not where in it we need to look I think if you double-click on the error it’ll jump to the specific part of the code that’s causing problems – can you try that?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi, @asmecher
I’m helping @miguel.obando to solve this issue.
While I was viewing the errors, this is the one that appears on the browser console:
And I guess this is the function that is causing the problems (Is the one that appears when I clicked the error):
Does this information helps to know what is happening here?
Thanks in advance.
@asmecher we need a little help here
Hi @miguel.obando / @daniel.anez,
That information helps, thanks…
It looks like the javascript front end is not correctly receiving the data for a ListPanel, which is what OJS uses to implement lists of items like the submission lists on the editor’s dashboard. I suspect if you use the browser’s inspection tools you’ll see the requests that populate those lists isn’t being received as expected. Look in the browser’s developer tools for a request URL that contains _submissions
and see what the response code was. You might also check your PHP error log to see if anything relevant appears there. (You can generally ignore warnings, but watch for errors.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team