- Application Version - e.g., OJS 3.1.2
- Description of issue: I have created a journal with OJS 3.1.2 Xampp. How to make it public from localhost?
You can… but why do you want to do this?
I mean, if your 80 port in your laptop/computer is open, other machines can reach your OJS but it will only happen if your computer is switched on. At same time, you will need a domain or a name to let others reach your machine and this is tricky to accomplish with the dynamic IP I suspect you have in your machine.
The solution for this is moving your OJS to a sever.
If you still like to open your OJS, you need to ensure your network is fine (this is out of the scope of this forum), get your local ip and share this ip to others. If you like you can use services as “no-ip.org” to get a domain name… but, as said, is tricky.
Alternatively you can use a service like http://ngrok.com to create a tunnel between internet and your web and let others see your work.
If you get trouble with this, and you are sure the network stuff is fine (for instance, you can reach a simple “hello world” static page) it could be related your config.inc.php configuration. But let’s talk about this in case you really need it.