I had a suggestion for ojs3.4.x ,when we submit a submission send email to contributor by optional

In current version when we add contributor for a submission the ‘email’ is required . I had fixed this to optional by edit ‘\lib\pkp\classes\components\forms\publication\ContributorForm.php’ and change table in databases and so on. Now this is all fine ,but when submited will get error.So i should recode ‘SendSubmissionAcknowledgement.php’ handle method to ’
/* $submitterEmails = $submitterUsers->map(fn (User $user) => $user->getEmail());

    $otherAuthors = $event->submission
        ->filter(fn (Author $author) => !$submitterEmails->contains($author->getEmail()));

    if ($otherAuthors->count()) {
        $emailTemplate = Repo::emailTemplate()->getByKey(

        $mailable = new SubmissionAcknowledgementOtherAuthors($event->context, $event->submission, $submitterUsers);
            ->from($event->context->getData('contactEmail'), $event->context->getData('contactName'))


        /** @var SubmissionEmailLogDAO $logDao */
       /* $logDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('SubmissionEmailLogDAO');

to forbiden to send email to contributor’s.If use OJS all person will get a email ,after there have a ‘if’ to judge hao to send email but it do not justified.The best way is that checked if this user had configed email then make decision