I have a question about the “Supporting Agencies”. I wrote the article and published it, but I can’t see it in the article (see the image below). The metadata keywords are showing normally. Is there an error? Where can I find information published about the “Supporting Agencies”?
Version OJS:
Supporting agencies don’t show up on the abstract by default in the article details on the public page - this is contingent on the theme being used and whether it is setup to display this information. Can you note your theme that you’re using as well as the version number of that theme?
PKP Team
Thanks for clarifying. Please see this post here: Theme and SubmissionAgency
This is for an older version of OJS, but what it suggests is that it is necessary to customize your theme in order to make this element display on the front page. I wouldn’t suggest doing that unless customizing themes is something you’re comfortable doing? If you are, I would suggest having a look at the theming guide: https://docs.pkp.sfu.ca/pkp-theming-guide/
Please note that the changes pointed out in the post I linked to, might be similar, although not the same as what you would need to use in your theme modifications if you were to undertake this, as the post deals with an older version.
PKP Team
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