I can't see individual items

I have published some texts in an edition, I assembled the PDF and it is displayed without problems; but when trying to enter the article specifically (to see the abstract, author information and so on) nothing is shown.

The number: Revista Filosofía en la Red

The link “to the article”: https://revista.filosofiaenlared.com/index.php/espanol/article/view/entre-el-mythos-y-logos

Thanks for the help.

I need to be able to view the individual articles like this: https://demo.publicknowledgeproject.org/ops/demo/index.php/publicknowledge/preprint/view/33

Hi @miguelangelgc

Your article page displays HTTP ERROR 500, Could you please provide the error_log record on your server?


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Will this be: 2024-05-19 19:52:06 UTC [apache][php7:error] [pid 85497] [client] script ‘/home/customer/www/revista.filosofiaenlared.com/ public_html/index.php’ not found or unable to stat ?

Thank you for the log that you provided, but it seems that the log does not indicate the error you are currently facing.

To make sure, you can activate display_error in the config.inc.php file,

Then access the your article link:

After getting the error log from the article page, you can disable the previous display_error.


Hi @Muhammad_Al_Madani:

That’s the information it gives me.

Hi @miguelangelgc

I see your article page is now accessible, is this problem caused by the Recommend Similar Articles plugin?

OJT Team

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Hi @Muhammad_Al_Madani: Yes. After “interpreting” the codes, I saw that this was the plugin that was giving the error. Thanks for your support.

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