Hyperlinks to external uri inside JATS xml <p> tag

Hi, I need to reference a supplementary file inside a JATS XML formatted article, which has also been published as a pdf galley. The only way I thought about doing so is adding a hyperlink inside the corresponding <p> tag using an <ext-link> tag as shown below…

<p id="p-8fe1d0c07051">La estructura factorial de tres factores se mantuvo en la versión final del instrumento, con las siguientes características (ver <xref id="x-98099e9a5fef" rid="tw-6e408fb0f00d" ref-type="table">Table 2</xref> y <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="http://www.evidencia.org.ar/index.php/Evidencia/article/view/4253/1789">material complementario</ext-link>.</p>

…but this is not actually working, actually showing nothing (I mean the “material complementario” uri) when the XML renders.
I am using @Vitaliy OldGregg template.

Any clues?
Thanks in advance

Thanks @GabeLon,

I see that it’s at least partially implemented. Can you open an issue on the parser’s Github page?

I see that it’s at least partially implemented. Can you open an issue on the parser’s Github page ?

Hi @Vitaliy, Github issue was opened. Thanks!

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